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What is Nutrition Coaching?

  • Nutrition coaches are skillful wellness experts leading the way toward a more proactive, healthy future. With a person-first, comprehensive, and science-based approach to optimal health, these influential agents of change continue to create a ripple effect of positive transformation and well-being in society.


  • Coaches facilitate the optimization of a current condition, vision, or goal. Not to 'repair' something that might be broken or diseased but to prevent, maintain, and hold someone accountable to their best standard. Nutrition coaches consider each client on an individual level and assess the internal and external factors that might contribute to or hinder their optimal health.


  • Teaching about the food the client is eating.  Teaching about nutrients and nutritional value of foods. Teaching how to change habits/behaviors and making better food choices.  


  • Helping people build practices and habits that lead to improved health, body composition, and self confidence. 


  • Facilitating the inclusion of healthy eating behaviors and empowering others to take responsibility for their own health. 


Role of the Nutrition Coach:

  • Attentive inquiry and listening 

  • Encourage realistic expectations and goals 

  • Help clients decide what they are ready to change 

  • Through a coaching inquiry, encourage clients to identify their health visions, motivators, obstacles, and strategies to overcome obstacles 

  • Be honest, direct, and firm with feedback when needed 

  • Help identify creative solutions to get around roadblocks 

  • Provide advice and instruction for engineering healthy meals in a client’s busy life 

  • Is punctual and responsive 


Role of the Client:

  • Ready to take responsibility to make and sustain changes in at least one area of their life 

  • Ready to invest at least three months to make changes  

  • Ready to share personal information that is relevant to a healthy lifestyle

  • Ready to become more self-aware 

  • Open to suggestions and trying new things 

  • Understands that setbacks are normal on the path of change 

  • Is punctual and responsive


​**We are here for educational and motivational purposes only.  We suggest receiving clearance from your doctor prior to beginning any health program. We do not diagnose or treat any illness.**

Nutritional Cooking
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