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What is Fitness Coaching?

A fitness coach combines a systematic coaching process and personal training (or fitness instruction) to empower clients to develop a healthier lifestyle, as well as the ability and self confidence to maintain this lifestyle. Coaching clients to a higher level of fitness. A healthy lifestyle includes a level of regular physical activity sufficient to: 


  • increase physical, mental, and emotional energy 

  • manage weight and stress 

  • prevent or treat health risks and medical conditions 

  • improve self-image and self-esteem 


Coaches focus on helping clients find their own answers, rather than just providing the answers. 


Role of the Fitness Coach:

  • Attentive inquiry and listening 

  • Encourage realistic expectations and goals 

  • Help clients decide what they are ready to change 

  • Through a coaching inquiry, encourage clients to identify their fitness visions, motivators, obstacles, and strategies to overcome obstacles 

  • Be honest, direct, and firm with feedback when needed 

  • Help identify creative solutions to get around roadblocks 

  • Provide advice and instruction for engineering movement activities in a client’s busy life 

  • Is punctual and responsive 

  • Recognize early whether the chemistry with a client is good or not optimal, and if not optimal, refer client to another fitness coach  


Role of the Client:

  • Ready to take responsibility to make and sustain changes in at least one area of their life 

  • Ready to invest at least three months to make changes  

  • Ready to share personal information that is relevant to a healthy lifestyle

  • Ready to become more self-aware 

  • Open to suggestions and trying new things 

  • Understands that setbacks are normal on the path of change 

  • Is punctual and responsive 


**We are here for educational and motivational purposes only.  We suggest receiving clearance from your doctor prior to beginning any health program. We do not diagnose or treat any illness.**

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