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Create Your Own Health Event

The options can be endless on how you want to build your own health event for your friends and family. Be creative and talk with us about how we can create an event that will be fun, educational, and bring you closer to your health goals with your favorite people. Here are a few options to get the ideas flowing:


  • Group hike - learn how to safely and efficiently plan a hike with your friends and family and feel great the day after! Plus don't forget about all of those healthy snacks and the great post hike meal to celebrate and recover you will learn about.


  • Lunch & Learn - learn how to create easy plant based meals and exercises/stretches at your desk to keep your blood flowing well throughout your work day.


  • Grocery store trip - learn how to shop efficiently for your best health while not breaking the bank. (Limit 4 people)


  • Power picnic - have a great group workout in the park and enjoy a healthy plant based picnic after you sweat it out with your friends. 


Get those mind juices flowing with some great ideas and we will collaborate together with you to create the best event of your wildest dreams. Let's make it fun and healthful!


*There will be a required $100 deposit to book this event. Final price will be determined upon the creation of your event*

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