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"We educate and support others through natural health.  We inspire simple changes that make an everlasting consciousness."

Our Story

Diane and Merritt’s paths converged on a transformative New Year’s Eve in 2006, a moment when aspirations shape the horizon ahead. In a mere 8 months, their connection deepened into marriage - an instinctive recognition of something profound. Both entrenched in the health and fitness realm, their shared journey began to unfold.


Diane had already established her sanctuary for personal training, aptly named ‘Just For The Health of It’, in Southern California. The studio offered personalized training, intimate group classes, and an in-house dietitian, cultivating an environment for growth and learning. Soon, a harmonious yoga studio joined their vision, enriching the holistic approach to well-being.


In 2008, both Diane and Merritt embarked on a vegan journey, prompted by a six-week meat-free experiment that drastically improved their health. Diane’s culinary prowess yielded nourishing alternatives, while Merritt gained newfound vitality from a whole food plant based diet. They harnessed their culinary skills to craft natural health bars and meals, seamlessly integrating wellness into fitness routines.


Faced with health diagnoses, Diane and Merritt united in determination to confront their challenges head-on. Guided by holistic practitioners and rooted in phytotherapy, their combined efforts led to Diane’s victory over cancer after 11 intense months. Merritt’s own journey with ongoing thyroid concerns underscored their commitment to balancing health through nutrition and exercise.


The evolution of "Just Four The Health Of It" has been remarkable. What initially was a fitness haven has flourished into a realm of comprehensive natural health offerings— encompassing functional fitness, nutrition, phytotherapy, and self-care interwoven harmoniously. Merritt's coaching endeavors persist, bridging gaps through personalized training, with a particular focus on athletes, seniors (especially those with Parkinson’s), and children with special needs. Diane's passion extends to enlightening cooking classes and educational culinary gatherings, fervently championing the virtues of a whole food plant-based lifestyle.


Together, Diane and Merritt embody over 55 years of collective experience in the wellness arena, considering themselves ‘Professional Healthologists’. This term reflects their ongoing journey of learning and growth. Their wisdom is derived not just from textbooks, but from their hands-on experience and their dedication to empowering others in adopting healthier lifestyles. Their commitment to service remains steadfast, radiating an unwavering passion, heart, and soul. 


**We are here for educational and motivational purposes only.  We suggest receiving clearance from your doctor prior to beginning any health program. We do not diagnose or treat any illness.**

Diane Nutrition Coach

Diane McConahay

Co-founder & CEO
Nutrition Coach

Having earned my B.S. in Kinesiology from CSU Fullerton in 2001, I plunged headfirst into the fitness realm. I felt very fortunate to have been able to establish a facility focused on empowering others through strength training and Yoga. Then life took an unexpected turn when cancer entered the picture.


Little did I realize, my years of dedication to health and fitness prepared me for this unforeseen battle. Opting for a distinct path aligned with my own personal health journey, I embraced holistic approaches guided by skilled practitioners. For a year, I embraced a regime anchored in whole food plant-based nutrition, coupled with natural supplements, mindfulness practices, and a range of holistic approaches. This journey was mentally and emotionally taxing, but through a synergy of natural methods and practices, I discovered equilibrium in my mind and body, triumphing over cancer. Today, I continue my cancer-free journey, a testament to the power of a natural health lifestyle. 


This journey, along with my life-long passion for sports - including an Ironman triathlon in my 40s - revealed my affinity for guiding others through a fusion of exercise and nutrition towards a well-rounded lifestyle. My early adoption of this lifestyle underscores the idea that when we nurture our bodies and cultivate the right mindset, we can conquer even the most formidable challenges.


Whether a client is trying to lose weight, gain strength, increase bone mass, change eating habits or to create tasty meals, I have always vowed to create an environment for them to flourish, gain confidence and step closer to those goals.


Education and Qualifications:

  • Personal Training Certificate - Fullerton College

  • B.S. Kinesiology - CSU Fullerton

  • Owned Just For The Health Of It Personal Training & Yoga studio (2000-2014)

  • Certificate: Horticulture - Stratford University 

  • Certifications 1, 2, & 3: Cannabis Education Budtender Fight Club 

  • Certificate: Nutrition and Healthy Living – Cornell University

  • Certificate: Business of Cannabis – Oaksterdam University

  • Certificate: Plant Based Nutrition - Cornell University

  • Other Certifications NASM, NCEP, Madd Dogg Spinning, YogaFit, TRX 

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Merritt Robinson

Co-founder & COO
Fitness Coach

With over 30 years of experience across health clubs, private studios, and homes, I’ve witnessed profound transformations toward natural health lifestyles as a certified personal trainer. My involvement in the professional boxing world allowed me to delve into the ‘sweet science of boxing’ alongside elite fighters. My focus on young athletes, weight-loss clients, and seniors, especially Parkinson’s patients, has shaped my approach to training, prioritizing safety, efficacy, and an enjoyable experience. Also, learning through Covid in 2020, virtual (video) personal training provides flexibility and convenience based on your schedule, location, and budget.


In 2007, I underwent the removal of a sizable mass from my thyroid gland, resulting in the extraction of half of the gland itself. This marked a pivotal shift in my mental perspective. Growing up as a ‘husky’ kid, I was familiar with physical challenges. Yet, an even greater challenge lay ahead: adapting to a new reality. A crucial moment arrived when the doctor informed me, “You’ll need to take this small pill every day for the rest of your life.” Exploring alternatives, I discovered that exercise and diet were the most feasible options for my lifestyle, though the transition was intricate. It necessitated changes, even in habits like alcohol consumption and processed food intake. Ultimately, I embraced the regime of this ‘little pill’ to aid in hormone regulation.


Just one year later, Diane and I both embarked on a plant based journey, a transformative lifestyle decision. Our shared commitment yielded benefits - feeling lighter, improved cholesterol levels, and notably heightened energy levels. This resulted in learning more about how to physically train our bodies for a specific lifestyle, while achieving maximal results. With these experiences shaping our journey, we’re here to guide you toward a better way of tailored nutrition, exercise, and a healthier lifestyle.



  •  Exemplar Global, UK - International Personal Training certificate 

  •  Assessments & Exercise Programming for improving mobility, stability, function, and power

  •  Aqua Fit

  •  Johnny G spinning

  •  Kaiser Cycling

  •  Cardio Kickboxing

  •  BOSU Integrated Balance

  •  Body-sculpting

  •  Silver Sneakers

  •  NeuroFit for Parkinson's



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